If you are having trouble engaging your core in class, do some abdominal exercises beforehand, and make the muscles a bit sore. You will feel your core and know whether it’s engaged or not.

In fitness, we often focus on the front of the body because that is what we can see in the mirror. In indoor-cycling, riders tend to round their shoulders forward as gravity is taking their body in that direction on the bike. This is not only bad form but constricts the breath flow. By increasing back body awareness and engagement and strengthening the back muscles by doing weights with flys, rows etc., one will find more openness and width across the chest - voila ... better posture with more efficient breath flow.

Sarah L
Close your eyes at some point during the ride and focus on your breath and body. Going inward will help you tune in to the work.

RIDE, ROLL, REPEAT . If you’re riding, you need to foam roll to keep everything lengthened & in the right place. For 5-10 minutes in front of the TV at night or even before or after class, move those sweaty bodies out of the way and stake your spot on the carpet.

After you finish your RiDE, one of your first priorities should be to replace the fluids you lost during class, mainly by drinking water! Second, you should replenish your muscle reserves by eating a small balanced snack of carbohydrates and protein to help your muscles recover quickly. How soon after you should be eating depends on the intensity of your workout. – usually between 15 to 30 minutes.

If you are having trouble motivating to make it to class (especially if it’s 5:30 am!), tell yourself you don’t necessarily have to work that hard once you get there. This is sometimes all you need to get out of bed and in the door. Once you are there, and you’ve got the instructor, the music, and the pulse of your neighbor, you will have tricked yourself and will be giving it your 100% effort!

Getting the most our of your ride is all about mindset. When I RiDE for my personal workouts, I like to remind myself when I walk through the door I'm there to give myself the best I have to give. My best is always ENOUGH. If I have to sit during a standing sprint, I embrace this and maybe choose to add tension to work on strength. If I''m not feeling 100%, it doesn't mean I'm not giving 100%. Every day is different and how I perform varies on a variety of circumstances (these are not excuses). Sure, there's always room for improvement, but I focus positive energy on acknowledging myself for my effort.

Eat a snack or small meal 2 hours before you come to class. Any earlier and you might not be fueled enough for the entire RiDE. Any later, and you’ll throw up on a fellow RIDER. Either way, not cute!